A Letter To My Love


A Letter to my love

Dear love I want you to know that you mean everything and more to me.  You are the reason for my smile, and the only one who can cheer me up when I’m down.  You’re not just my other half you’re my best friend my soul mate, and my life partner.  You’re the best thing that has happened to me.  I never wanted a relationship with anyone, I never wanted to get married but with you that is all I want.  I want to be yours and you to be mine for the rest of our existence.  I can’t wait to start the next journey in life with you.  I know we will be successful in anything that we will do.  We’ve accomplished so much in our time together and there is only more good to come.  The only thing that we currently don’t have together is our own house but that will come in time.  We will get a house and turn it into our sanctuary.  I can’t wait for the joyous times I know we will have together.  I also do not want to wish my life away with you I just am so eager and excited for all the time we will get to spend together, and the happy times we will have.  I do know that not everyday will be a great day but you have me and I have you to be there for each other during the ups and downs.  I know we can make it through anything we both have been there for each other more than anyone has ever in our lives and that’s what love truly means to me.  Till the end of time you will always have my heart and devotion forever yours.

I Love You

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